Wight Conservation - January 2006

click images to enlarge

Chalk grassland damage by vehicles
Chalk grassland damage by vehicles

A surprise visitor!
A surprise visitor!

Ancient woodland and deadwood
Ancient woodland and deadwood
at Wroxall Copse 1
Ancient woodland and deadwood
Ancient woodland and deadwood
at Wroxall Copse 2

Ancient woodland and deadwood
Ancient woodland and deadwood
at Wroxall Copse 3

Ancient woodland at Wroxall Copse 1

Ancient woodland at Wroxall Copse
Ancient woodland at Wroxall Copse 2
Browsing at Idlecombe
Browsing at Idlecombe

Cabhlaiche 2nd of Mottistone
Cabhlaiche 2nd of Mottistone
awaiting departure for Oban journey
Chalk grassland damage by vehicles
Chalk grassland damage by vehicles

Chalk grassland damage by vehicles
Chalk grassland damage by vehicles

Coup coppiced in Wroxall Copse
Coup coppiced in Wroxall Copse

Enjoying the brook at Wroxall
Enjoying the brook at Wroxall

Frozen over woodland pond
Frozen over woodland pond
in Coombe Plantation

Iasgair of Mottistone
Iasgair of Mottistone
awaiting departure for Oban journey

To be coppiced next winter
in Wroxall Copse

Wayne Isaacson and Keith Lea
Wayne Isaacson and Keith Lea

Yearling Highlanders at Rew 1

Yearling Highlanders at Rew
Yearling Highlanders at Rew 2

Yearling Highlanders at Rew
Yearling Highlanders at Rew 3

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