Wight Conservation - October 2005

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A well groomed calf with mother

Aged steer in company with cows 
and calves in Under Copse

Champion Iseabal with calf

Champion Kerrie and Mollie
being led up to St Martin's Down

Champion Lucy of Balure's head
covered in burs

Charlie Maclean (r) &
Barry Isaacson

Charlie Maclean inspecting
our stock bull Sandy of Callachally

I'm the King of the Castle -2 year old bull Isagar
having a romp in the farm yard

In the clouds on St Martins Down

Isle of Wight Foot Beagles
Children's Meet

Isle of Wight Foot Beagles
Children's Meet

Kerrie and Mollie settling down

Mottistone Common

Overlooking North Wight and the Solent

Sunrise over Wroxall Cross Farm Yard

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